AmigaOS3.5 (230/967)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:5 May 2000 at 23:11:45
Subject:Re: OS 3.5 & PPC

On 05-May-00 at 13:26:40, James Hays wrote these words of wisdom:
> Hey, Peter,
>> Installing software for PPC is `support`.
> Not in my book, it isn't. The software has to be usable by everyone and
> offer added features to the OS to be considered "support." I would venture
> to say that most Amiga users don't have PPC cards, and those who do have
> them had their driver software installed nearly a year before OS3.5 even
> existed. Heck, they could've included the MacOS and told us we had PPC
> support -- and it would've done us just about as much good. <G>

Including MacOS would not be PPC support. WarpOS does give AmigaOS PPC
support if you have the correct hardware. MacOS is useless as PPC support
and is not AmigaOS compatible. (PowerUP also gives AmigaOS PPC support too).

Marion E Wyatt A3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1+18.2GB ZIP100 Support commercial Only AMIGA Makes It Possible!
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